Shereen Rana

Shereen Rana

Blog Writer

Hi! I'm Shereen Rana, and I'll be working as a blog writer for Humankind Zine. I've been writing for about a year now, and this is an outlet where I hope to continue my passion.

I've always loved writing. I can't remember when it started, but I do remember how much the prospect of writing essays in middle school heartened me. But it was recently that I really picked up words—including reading and poetry. I also currently work as a writer for Morpho Magazine.

Music, literature (especially mystery), punk rock, and an inexplicable love for, well, everything, is what really moves me. Also cats. These things always find a way into my works as motifs and themes.

Now, as a high-schooler nearing college, I hope to further my craft and reach other people the best I can as I move towards becoming an author.